I love East Portland and I care deeply about our future. Our new city charter provides us an opportunity to elect leaders focused on listening, solving problems, and ensuring East Portland's future matches up with our goals and values. I'm excited for the opportunity to work collectively to tackle big issues and to ensure that after decades of disinvestment, East Portland gets its fair share of city resources.
I believe in a future where everyone has access to opportunity and the resources to thrive.
For almost a decade, I have had the privilege to work with my neighbors and community members to bring infrastructure investments to East Portland. For me, this community development work has often occurred on the block and neighborhood level. My favorite part of these efforts has always been that people could see the end results of their work, not just in infrastructure on the ground but in the community relationships that were built.

Donate Now
Our grassroots campaign is powered by community and small donors.
Our campaign is participating in the City of Portland’s small donor election program. Donations up to $20 are matched 9-1, which means a $20 contribution becomes $200.
Donations up to $50 may be eligible for the Oregon Political Tax Credit, meaning you can get those funds back at the end of the calendar year. Income qualifications and other limitations may apply; more info can be found here: https://dpo.org/oregon-political-tax-credit/.
If you would like to contribute by check, please make your check payable to "Ender for East Portland" and mail it to:
Ender for East Portland
PO Box 6536
Portland, OR 97228
Contributions to this campaign are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Andrea Valderrama, State Rep HD 47

Ashton Simpson East County
Metro Councilor

Eddy Morales Gresham City Councilor

Erica Fuller
Former Centennial School Board Member

Vince Jones-Dixon Gresham City Councilor

Zach Hudsoon
State Rep HD 49
Statements of Support
Get Involved

Community Safety
Across Oregon, the most well-resourced neighborhoods are the safest. I am committed to policies that address root causes, interrupt cycles of violence, and provide neighborhoods with the resources necessary to improve safety and reduce incidents of violence.

Housing First
Housing with wraparound services is the most humane and cost-effective approach to address homelessness. I will elevate policies that prioritize a housing first approach while also working to address the root causes of homelessness.

Health Equity
It is unacceptable that East Portlanders have a life expectancy of 10 years lower than Portlanders living west of I-205. I am committed to policies and programs that reduce health disparities and increase life expectancy in East Portland. No matter what zip code you live in, everyone deserves access to healthy food, safe neighborhoods, and clean air.