Community Safety
Across Oregon, the most well-resourced neighborhoods are the safest. I am committed to policies that address root causes, interrupt cycles of violence, and provide neighborhoods with the resources necessary to improve safety and reduce incidents of violence.
Housing First
Housing with wraparound services is the most humane and cost-effective approach to address homelessness. I will elevate policies that prioritize a housing first approach while also working to address the root causes of homelessness.
Health Equity
It is unacceptable that East Portlanders have a life expectancy of 10 years lower than Portlanders living west of I-205. I am committed to policies and programs that reduce health disparities and increase life expectancy in East Portland. No matter what zip code you live in, everyone deserves access to healthy food, safe neighborhoods, and clean air.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How, exactly, would you reduce homelessness?
I am committed to reducing unsheltered homelessness through evidence-based policies that will actually move the needle on this issue. First, in reference to the joint office, the City has an important role to play in the oversight of funds spent on addressing homelessness. We must ensure dollars are being spent appropriately and that there is accountability in place to make sure we are adding beds and creating the conditions to support folks’ transition off the street.
Second, housing must be paired with supportive services so that people are able to progress along the shelter to housing continuum and achieve upward economic mobility.
Third, we must hire and train additional homeless outreach workers so that we can meet people where they’re at and help them transition off of the streets into a shelter that meets their needs.
Fourth, for best outcomes shelters should be appropriately sized and align with best practices such as a locking door and trauma informed design. The City should advocate for joint office partnerships with community based organizations that are closest to the people who are being served.
Fifth, we must work to address the root causes of homelessness by aligning local government efforts to increase our housing supply. I support creating workforce housing and middle housing which will increase capacity and bring down housing costs. We should also look to pilot programs, such as short term rent assistance, that would help alleviate some housing insecurity. Once someone is out on the street, it takes significantly more taxpayer dollars to address those needs. If we can be strategic with our dollars we can end up saving money in the long run.
Do you support Portland Street Response?
I am proud to support additional public safety programs such as Portland Street Response (PSR) and the hiring of PS3 (unarmed public safety support specialists); city employees who can help with call types that do not require armed responders. I am proud to have signed the “Friends of Portland Street Response” pledge and am committed to ensuring PSR is fully funded, independent, and available citywide on a 24/7 basis.
What is your plan to address gun violence?
As someone who lives in a community with high incidents of gun violence (Hazelwood), I am very aware of the urgent need for gun violence intervention programs that use a public health approach to interrupt cycles of violence. I will be a strong champion for the City’s ceasefire program which provides intense wraparound case management to those most at risk of committing gun violence. I will work to pair this with street level outreach programs to prevent retaliatory shootings. Additionally, I will work to fund gun violence prevention grants and community building activities such as movies in the park. These sorts of interventions play a crucial role in interrupting gun violence and have not been adequately prioritized in East Portland.
Moreover, I will work to elevate the role of the safe blocks program which focuses on place-based interventions to gun violence such as lighting, green spaces, and public space activation.
I believe gun violence in East Portland is a symptom of a lack of representation on the east side. For too long, the people on Portland city council have been able to ignore the urgency of this issue because it does not occur in their neighborhood. I’m committed to evidence based policies that will move the needle on this issue and to tip the scales away from trauma and toward community safety.
Helping Our Homeless Neighbors Get Back on Their Feet
We must do more to prevent people from becoming homeless and help those living on our streets get their lives back together. That includes more emergency rental assistance and other tools to prevent homelessness. Housing with wraparound services is the most humane and cost-effective approach to address homelessness. I will elevate policies that prioritize a housing-first approach, while also working to address the root causes of homelessness.
Creating Safe Communities in East Portland
Across Oregon, the most well-resourced neighborhoods are the safest. I am committed to policies that address root causes, interrupt cycles of violence, and provide neighborhoods with the resources necessary to improve safety and reduce incidents of violence. That includes community initiatives to prevent gun violence, place-based interventions (such as street lighting), and better access to mental health and addiction treatment services.
Ensuring Housing Affordability
The rising cost of housing has put it out of reach for too many East Portland residents and is contributing to homelessness and displacement. We must do more to support infill housing to take advantage of vacant lots and available land and encourage the creation of homes that are affordable to young families and those with limited resources.
Creating Health Equity for East Portland
It is unacceptable that East Portlanders have a life expectancy of 10 years lower than Portlanders living west of I-205. I am committed to policies and programs that reduce health disparities and increase life expectancy in East Portland. No matter what zip code you live in, everyone deserves access to healthy food, safe neighborhoods, and clean air.
Confronting the Climate Crisis
We are seeing the realities of a changing climate every day and East Portland neighborhoods are most at risk. I will fight to protect the Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF) so that it is able to fulfill its mission as intended by voters. I will also push to expand the tree canopy for East Portland to better protect us from extreme heat events. Finally, I will prioritize smart transportation investments that help connect our community and reduce the carbon footprint of our transportation system.
Expanding Parks and Greenspaces in East Portland
Parks, greenspaces, and safe places to recreate are a critical part of creating a vibrant community where people can live and thrive. But systematic underfunding of these amenities in East Portland has taken a toll on our quality of life. I will be champion for paying back the debt that is owed to our neighborhoods when it comes to accessible parks and greenspaces.
Getting Dirty Money Out of Politics
I am a proud participant in Portland’s small donor elections program which seeks to give regular people a voice in politics. I have pledged not to take funds from climate polluters in the fossil fuel industry, gun manufacturers, and the tobacco industry.